Legal Notice

You are currently connected to the Passementerie Verrier PARIS website.

Company name: Passementerie Verrier PARIS

Head office: 10 Rue Orfila – 75020 PARIS

Email :

Tel : +33146364901

Activity: Manufacturer of made-to-measure textile ornaments

Legal status: SAS

SIRET : 55208377600013

Intracom VAT number : FR08552083776

Publishing director : Anne Anquetin

Host : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Website design and development: ALEZ PC, 8 rue Hans List, Bâtiment H – 78290 Croissy sur Seine – France.

Photo credits: Nathalie Barrus, Philippe Charlot, Felix Dol Maillot, Pierre Fauteux, Stephan Julliard, Paolo Abate, Amaury Laparra.


Protection of site content

The Site, its content, texts, photographs and illustrations are the property of Passementerie Verrier PARIS and/or third parties contractually linked to Passementerie Verrier PARIS, holders of the Site’s intellectual property rights. It is forbidden to copy and/or download all or part of the Site, its content, texts, photographs and illustrations. Any request for reproduction, even partial, of any information contained in the site must be made to Passementerie Verrier PARIS.


Disclaimer of liability

Passementerie Verrier PARIS strives to ensure the accuracy of the information published on the Site and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. Passementerie Verrier PARIS cannot, however, guarantee in any way the absence of error, the quality and completeness of the information and data published on the site and declines all liability for damage which could result from error, inaccuracy or omission when using the site and its content. Despite the means of protection implemented, Passementerie Verrier PARIS is in no way responsible for damage which could result either from the intrusion by third parties of data or from harmful programs such as viruses.


Personal data

We may collect personal data about you that may be subject to automated processing for which the Company is responsible. These personal data, communicated by means of forms or questionnaires, are mandatory for the processing of your request. They will be used by Passementerie Verrier PARIS for the sole purposes of internal management and commercial actions. You have the right to object, access and rectify this data by contacting our Company by post.


Impersonal data

Any non-personal information that you transmit or distribute on the site (by email or by fax or regular mail) may be used by Passementerie Verrier PARIS for any purpose, commercial or not, and in particular be reproduced, disclosed or transmitted on any known medium or to come.


Use of cookies (connection cookies)

During your visits to the site, we inform you that a cookie is automatically created on your computer. A cookie is a block of data which is used to record information relating to the user’s navigation on the accessed site. For security reasons, we only use this process to create a temporary link between the user and the server. This link is systematically lost either during a prolonged interruption of the dialogue with the server, or when the connection with the server is voluntarily stopped.