Expanded color palette and large dimensions
Already produced in two round versions, the GRADATION mirror is gaining momentum and deploying a new palette of colors. It is decorated with a large tapered multicolored fringe woven by us on a hand loom, of which the thirty colors of the skirt must respect precise positioning for perfect alignment when placing the fringe on the mirror.
Gradation Fusion was unveiled during the “L’esprit du temps” exhibition at the Galerie Léage in Paris. A selection of creations by Pierre Gonalons is presented in the fabulous setting that constitutes this gallery specializing in 18th century furniture and objects, many of which seats are upholstered with our cracks and wired to measure.
It is placed above a daybed in gilded wood attributed to Jean-Baptiste Claude Sené (1747-1803), covered with a lampas from the Prelle factory, with velvet cushions from @misia_paris and cabled, cracked and acorn-shaped pedestals from Maison Verrier. This subtle dialogue between materials and know-how is visible until February 24, 2024.
Photography Stéphane Julliard.